Ardara Technologies offers the following system products:
Quadrupole Gas Analyzer System - integrated benchtop mass spectrometer with atmospheric pressure inlet.
Flange Mounted Mass Filter Systems - mass spectrometer system complete with software, ready to insert into your vacuum system. We offer a range of ionizer, quadrupole deflector and focus lens options. We offer resolving quadrupoles with rod diameters including 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm, and 20 mm, as well as collisional damping ion guides, including hexapoles, octopoles and rectilinear quadrupoles. We offer flange and detector options including our radial flange design that allows you to insert a quadrupole in situ in an ion deposition system, with the electrical connections mounted radially, allowing for un-impeded access to the entrance and exit of the quadrupole. |
Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers - Integration of components from Jordan TOF Products, including 3D ion trap and orthogonal extraction Reflectron TOF mass spectrometers with specialized ionizers, inlets and ion guides. |
Custom Systems - Integrated custom systems including vacuum chambers and pumps.